Hello and Welcome!

Friends and clients alike have been hounding us for ages to have a blog, so we finally broke down and started one. Please feel free to comment, we love to hear what people have to say about our work!

~Matt and Krystaly

Looking Back...

I got on my old laptop today to write in Kylan's baby journal I started when I found out I was expecting, and I stumbled across this photo shoot. Matt and I had taken a sunday drive to Bridal Veil Falls and, of course, had taken our gear. I wasn't planning on being in front of the camera, I never do. So, it being a lazy sunday afternoon, I had no make-up on and and my hair wasn't done. I showed the picture to Matt when I found it this afternoon and he insisted it go on the blog. I can't believe how huge I was, and I was only 7 months along in this picture. By my last month I honestly couldn't change the radio station in my car because I couldn't lean over that far. We had to get Sirius Radio, the unit had a remote control!

Ky will be 8 months old next week - I can't believe how fast time has gone. My dad told me once that every time he blinked it was like several years had gone by, and he couldn't figure out how to stop blinking so much. :) I am now finding that to be very true. Kylan is the cutest kid of all time and laughes and smiles at everyone he sees. I absolutely LOVE being a mom. I don't miss the smell of chocolate making me sick and craving pickles and cherry coke slurpees that entailed getting Kylan here... But he is well worth the 9 months of misery!


rachel said...

You look so cute pregnant even without your makeup or your hair done! I know what you mean by blinking and missing life. I can't believe how fast it goes!!!

Jossie said...

I love the fact that you say that he was worth the 9 months of misery! I did not like being pregnant one bit but being a mom is the best thing ever!!!! I love the picture, by the way, next time I'm expecting, I'm totally taking more pictures.

Juliet Douglas said...

Wow...time flies...my nephew is over a year old now and I remember when he was born! I sound old!

Sarah Stiles said...

You look so cute! I don't think you ever saw me when I was pg, but I was MONSTROUS! And none of my photos looked near that good, LOL.

Jess said...

Ya look gorgeous! You have that pregnancy glow...no really! And beautiful skin. I can't believe you don't have make-up on.

I started realizing how fast Nathan Jr. was growing once the "colic" stopped & he started sleeping through the night. ;) Thats terrible isn't it?! Haha...I can laugh about it now & pray I don't have another child with it.

I think 8 months is so exciting because it could be right around the corner to Crawling & "Walking Time!" They have a Wagon Toy at Wal-mart for $24 to help babies stand & push & start walking!